Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Monday and Tuesday

Ok, Mondays stats:

246 lbs (you fat fuck)

The menu wasn't pretty. A bagel, toasted and buttered, a turkey and provolone sub, small, and pizza. About 1.5 liters of water, and some lemonade. I was kind of tired, big suprise, the way I ate, right? But I got some time in the saddle. 20 of the most pathetic miles you'll ever see, which was to be expected after a sedentary, junk food (Wendys!) laden month and a half. It was really pathetic, draggingmy fat ass over the little bitty rollers on rt 34. And while the new Dura-Ace stuff was very nice, the 11-23 cassette was killing me. But you gotta start somewhere, and its going to hurt when you do. At this point, pain is good.


243.8 lbs

Gym day! Its still early, and I'll update it throughout the day. I'll tell you this - I am dreading going to the gym. Core work on the worlds softest core.

The menu so far is off to a much better start. Slow cooked, steel cut organic oatmeal, with a tablespoonful of raw honey, and a scoop of hemp protein powder, a handful of Gary Null super vitamins, half a glass of lemonade, and some water. An organic apple. Some pizza (I wanted a turkey sandwich, but the deli was closed!).

More to come.

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