Sunday, March 30, 2008

33 days

Fucking loser.

What an absolutely pathetic effort today.

Ok, there's this loop that I can take from my house, about 9 miles long. Hilly, but...short. My plan today was really, really easy...two laps, about an hour of riding. I did one lap, and stopped.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Arrgh! I keep thinking of that Lance quote - "Pain is temporary, quitting is forever". My knee hurt a little, nothing that would have gotten worse, I don't think. And when I first set out, I was not feeling good at all...which was totally my fault. I didn't warm up one bit. I spun for about 2/10 of a mile, and then tried to go hard up a hill. One mile in, and I'm wondering why my heart rate is 160, and I'm only going 12.2 mph. Got over the hill, soft pedaled down the other side, wasn't close to being recovered by the end. On it went, for about 4 miles...finally started feeling better, but just wanted to go home at that point. Plus, there's kind of an odd phenomenon here...the wind goes all the way around the loop. If there's a tailwind, there's a tailwind all the way around. And 90% of the time, there is a tailwind, which I was kind of counting on today. But today, there was a headwind. Was it a tough headwind, you ask? Nope. It was probably about 8 mph. But that was enough to make me sis out.

Lots of healthy cooking is going to happen tonight. That should help. Also, sleep. I only got about 4 hours last night - no good whatsoever. I'm hoping for at least 7 tonight.

Ok, that's all I got. If I'm home early enough tomorrow, with good enough weather, 30 miles. If not, perhaps the gym?

I'm so goddamn sick of being fat.

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