Saturday, June 9, 2007

The Paris Debacle

I gotta admit, I'm impressed with the judge and prosecutor in the Paris Hilton situation. Who would have thought that the law, the man, the powers that be, would actually feel embarrassed into doing the right thing in the USA? And especially in LA.

The whole celebrity worship thing escapes me. Maybe because I've gotten work with some semi-famous musicians, maybe because of my out of control anti-socialism, maybe I just think, incorrectly, that I'm smarter than everyone else. Who knows. But I know it made me a tiny little bit angry when I heard that Paris Hilton was being released from prison after three days (with her lawyers, and the obviously corrupt sherrifs department inexplicably calling it five days). Not very angry, and not suprised in the least...which to me is a sad commentary on how things work here - how completely different the treatment is for the rich and famous. Really? She was let out? Why on earth would anyone be suprised. And I don't consider myself to be overwhelmingly cynical.

At first, when I saw the pictures of her crying in the back of the police car, her face puffy with tears, I felt bad for her. Hey, I'm human, why not. Nobody likes to see a girl cry. But even that has completely faded upon reading that she was screaming for mommy, yelling "It isn't right" (no? Why not?), and that she had to be dragged away. And you could hear her screams reverberating down the hallway. At that point, fuck you. Because of course she didn't expect that to happen. Of course she thought she was going to get away with it. Even after she was sent to jail, she knew she'd be getting out in a day or two, after a psychologist coached her on how to act (you think you'd be able to get your own private psychologist in jail? Yeah, me neither), and the nudge nudge, wink wink arrangement with the sheriffs department.

Although I wasn't suprised they did it, I'm still shocked at the brazenness of everyone involved. Did they really think they could do it in that blatant a fashion? That they could just say "fuck everyone else if they think the same laws apply to us" with no backlash whatsoever? A couple quotes that stick out for me:

"Her release after only three days erodes confidence in the judicial system," said L.A. Assistant City Attorney Dan Jeffries.

Thank you. Seriously. Not that I really have any more confidence in the judicial system - not so long as the big white collar criminals are allowed to basically run this country, and nobody ever does anything about it, but putting Paris back in jail to placate us, well, that has at least made my weekend a little more enjoyable, knowing that I'm having a better time than that pampered cunt.

(Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee) Baca defended his decision, citing Hilton's "severe medical problems" and "inexplicable deterioration" while in custody."

He said he thought her sentence was stiffer than usual for such a crime, noting it would normally be punished with home confinement.

Herbert McClure, who recently served a month and a half behind bars for the same offense, disagreed.

"It's wrong. I had to do 45 days, so why should she get treated any differently," he said. "If you do the crime, you pay with time."

And that's the story, right there. Paris' family, lawyers, PR people are all trying to say she's being treated unfairly. She's not. Which this guy clearly doesn't believe:

"She is America's Princess Di," said fan Jake Byrd.

What. The. Fuck.

Kathy Hilton, Paris' equally delusional mom, is out of her mind. She's mocked the judge, telling him to enjoy his fame, she's complained to the press about unfair treatment, said:

"I know they don't want to do anything. They made up their mind," she said before angrily stalking out of the courthouse with (husband) Rick by her side.

I wish I could get into her head, for a minute. Figure out exactly why she believes that they're above all the rest of us. Is there no sense of reality there? I mean, I guess it makes sense; the world truly is their playground. But do you not have the sense to not mock the judge, in his own courtroom? Damn.

In the end, however, this is all just a distraction being played up by the media. Keeping us occupied from what's really going on out there. Maybe after reading this nonsensical accounting, you should go over to Alex Jonses website, and get some information on stuff that really affects us...our civil liberties being taken away, real corruption that hurts our standard of living...stuff like that. Not nearly as sexy a news story, I know. Whatcha going to do.

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