Saturday, August 9, 2008


Ok, yeah, haven't been posting much, but real life has intervened quite a bit, and let's face it - I really have nothing to say anyways.

Nonetheless, I feel compelled to write now and again, and so here it is. I've pretty much lost all the fitness I gained while training last spring...put back on 10 disgusting pounds...and even more fun, I've managed to mangle myself. I don't know how, exactly, but I'm definitely hurting. My left achillies tendon, my right knee, and worst of all, my back. My lower back. Shooting pains down into my right leg. Now, my chiropractor, who's by far the best in the world, has assured me that it's just a little compression, and a couple of adjustments and some appropriate home-based exersise will fix me right up. And, that cycling won't make it worse. So I went for a ride yesterday, with a couple guys from my LBS.

The ride took place in the Atlantic Highlands region of NJ, and was actually a very cool ride, except for the pain. Oh yeah, pain. Back pain, plus 10 extra pounds, plus...20% grades (!), equals pain. And Rog slowing up the group. Yikes...all of a sudden, 10% grades seemed like nothing. I'm starting to think, though, that it's important for me to be on the bike A LOT more, and for a purpose - to make next year much more enjoyable. So I think the rest of the year is going to be spent spinning, at ridiculously slow speeds. I'm setting a goal of not averaging more than 15 mph for the rest of the year, and hopefully get in at least 150 mile per week. That won't be easy, as I just joined yet another band, but hey, without a goal to not live up to, I'd have no reason to have my own blog.

And that right there, is enough for me.

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