Friday, March 23, 2007

And you thought blogs were boring...

Damnit...the lovely Kate is coming over tomorrow, and my place is looking like casa de shithole. And there just isn't any way I'm going to vacuum. It wouldn't be so bad if I had the morning free tomorrow, as she's working til three...but I don't. I have many a thing to do, and that means I'm going to have to run home, do a hack cleaning job (which will be plenty good enough for me, but the lovely Kate has explained the difference between "boy clean" and "girl clean" to me), and then go pick her no transportation having ass up.

That isn't fair. She has a very nice car. In Australia.

Here's a pic for you, you bananas...the mighty Samuel L. Sammy. Hell of a bird. Right now, he's trying to dismantle the shirt that I'm wearing; a transgression that I'll live with, since he's house trained enough now to the point where he almost never poops on my floor. This pleases me.

My god, I look frightful in that pic. I once walked through the wilderness for four days, doing mushrooms (yes, really), and I didn't look that chopped up when I got back. Look at my friggin eyes...sunken into my head, and somehow still looking bug-eyed.

Hey, didja hear? Republicans don't believe in global warming. Suprise.

Ok, I'm going to go have a brownie. Go back to whatever it was you were doing.

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