Monday, May 21, 2007

The "You've got to be kidding" moment of the day


Everybodys favorite way to dodge responsibility for their actions lately, rehab. Mel Gibson, Lindsey Lohan, Michael Richards...

...and now...

Will Geoghegan.

Long story short - Geoghegan was Floyd Landis' business manager. Floyd is in arbitration to see whether or not he'll be found guilty, essentially, of using performance enhancing drugs during his win of last years Tour de France. Greg Lemond was going to be a witness for the prosecution. Geoghegan called Lemond the night before, and basically threatened to expose the fact that Lemond was molested as a child. Scumbag move, big time. Landis, upon finding this out, fired Geoghegan immediately.

And now this:

The ongoing saga of Floyd Landis's business manager Will Geoghegan took another twist Monday when it was announced he was entering rehab. That news came via an e-mail letter from Dr. Brent Kay, who is stepping in to Geoghegan's role. Heretofore Kay has served as Landis's personal physician and was with him at the Tour de France last summer when Landis revealed the hip problems that led him to have replacement surgery in the offseason.

"I know that Floyd is eager to get through the last days of his hearing and to turn his focus toward his business responsibilities," Kay wrote. "He is very excited about our anticipated victory and is anxious to support the very few that have supported him. I can personally tell you that he considers the ones that have stood up to support him in this time of crisis as the true champions."

Kay then addressed Geoghegan, who was relieved of his duties last Thursday when it was revealed he'd made a threatening phone call to Greg LeMond on the eve of his testimony at the Landis hearing. Geoghegan later blamed the indiscretion on being angry and having a "beer or two."

"I am sure that you are aware of last week's events and may be concerned about Will's well being," Kay wrote. "He is distraught by his actions and is entering a rehabilitation program [Monday] in an effort to address his problems. The past few months have been remarkably stressful for Will and his decompensation resulted in the unfortunate and embarrassing incident last Wednesday. While Floyd and the entire team find Will's actions regrettable and abhorrent, he is still a friend and we wish him the best in his recovery."

Good fucking god. Can't anyone stand up and be a man anymore? Can't we get past the "my demons made me do it" mentality that allows us to completely absolve ourselves of any responsibility? This makes me sick.

Of course, I take no responsibility if you're offended by my opinion. The Mountain Dew made me do it.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Refrigerator post script

Holy fucking yikes.

Oh, yeah. We're definitely back into the realm of Things that Only Rog Would Give A Shit About. My refrigerator.

So, I swear, I thought when I last cleared it out, I got whatever it was that smelled. The last two days it's been very apparent that I was wrong. Unfortunately, today I went shopping for produce (broccoli!), so I had no choice but to open the fucking thing. Fuck it. Time to clean. And oh, look at that. A block of cheddar that had been in there for about four months, that somehow I didn't see when I cleared stuff out the last time. Where do these blind spots come from.

Anyways, basically a hunk of green. And no doubt about it, it wasn't the two week old peppers that smelled, it was the fucking cheese.

Bottom line, the fridge is now safe. I'm making broccoli stir-fry tomorrow night - who wants some?

Saturday, May 19, 2007


My sense of direction is legendary. My ability to remember where I'm going is equally legendary, but for a completely different reason. I don't know why I don't pay attention to where I'm going sometimes, but there are days when it really bites me in the ass. Case in point - yesterday, I took a ride on my bicycle down to Exotic Birds of Red Bank. That's a pretty good ride for an out of shape piece of shit like myself; it's just the right distance to push my fitness level a little bit. 20 miles down, and 20 miles back. The only bad part is I have to ride down a highway (rt 35) about 7.5 - 8 miles. I've been thinking about how I can shorten the highway distance, so this time I rode across 35, and went up to 516, which is a much lighter traffic route. Just a semi-busy inter-town road, versus a highway. So I do that, and it works out rather ends up being 22 miles, which is fine...44 miles overall I can handle.

Except, you guessed it, I missed a turn on the way back, and didn't realize it for a while. Long story short, I turned my 44 mile ride into a 55 mile ride. 11 miles doesn't sound like that much, does it? On a bike, in hilly terrain (LOTS of elevation change) really can be. Here's a map detailing my folly. You can see there was an awful lot of painful meandering.

Could have been worse, though...the first time I rode down to the bird store, I totally wasn't in shape to do it, and I got legitimately lost on the way back, turning that ride into almost a 60 mile ride. The worst part was all the way home, I was riding into a 20 mph headwind. And was carrying 10 lbs of bird food for Sammy. That little bastard better appreciate me.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

New name

I've changed the name of this blog from the somewhat lacking in creativity "The World According to Rog" to "The Second Most Useless Blog Ever". If you're wondering who writes the most useless blog ever, you'll have to check in with a guy named Josh.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Exercise is good

My legs feel freakin great right now, my heartrate recovery time is way faster than it was even a week ago, and the extra fat is slowly but surely melting away.

What a big difference a high cadence makes. I've been focusing my efforts on keeping my cadence around 90 rpm, which is forcing me to be in a lower gear, which is making the hills far, far easier on my knees. And my knees, especially the right one, need all the help they can get. It's not easy...I'm sure I'll get used to the aerobic effort involved in the faster spin, but right now I'm quickly out of breath, and generally end my rides with an average cadence in the mid 70s. That's ok. You gotta walk before you can run. Maybe after the tendons toughen up, I'll be able to mash the bigger gears going up hills, but for now, the higher cadence is definitely the way to go.

Shit...Lance spun at about 105. I don't have that kind of aerobic capacity right now. Not that all the fat on my legs helps that any...I can't even picture how much more fun cycling will be when I get back under 200 lbs. I can't fucking wait.

Monday, May 7, 2007

And the verdict is in...

Well, not a verdict, per say. But it turns out Ivan Basso was involved in the Operation Puerto scandal.


Ok, so Valverde is apparently also dirty...Ullrich is out, Basso, obviously, Floyd is out, and I assume Valverde won't be able to start the Tour de France or the Giro de Italia. So who's left? Vino, obviously, and maybe Levi has a chance now. Heh...until he gets caught, and there's no doubt in my mine Levi is doping. He looks so much better this year. Granted, it's partly because Disco is a much stronger team than any he's been on as a leader, and yeah, he went into the wind tunnel and cleaned up his time trialing position, but he's looked superhuman at times.

I hope I'm wrong. I hope all of Discovery is clean, but let's see...Contador, Basso, the rumors that still dog Lance (whom I don't really believe doped). Just so long as Popo and Janez are clean. And Hincapie, of course. If he tested positive, I'd stop watching the sport.

See ya!

Alex (that's what I named my hemmorhoid) has left the building. Thank god for

Ok, so much for the too much information section.

No, wait...just a little ass feels great! And thank god, too, cause I put in a lot of miles over the past few days...

Friday, May 4, 2007

Riding with my new buddy...

Went for a 20 mile ride today. Pain, pain, and more pain. Why? Hemmorhoid. Granted, I should probably keep it to myself...but I'm on vacation, goddamnit! No work, gigs, lessons, nothing but nice weather and time to waste, and I'm going to ride my goddamn bicycle! Fuck it if my ass is going to cry out in pain the whole time!


Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Something smells really, really bad...

...and it's in my refrigerator.

This is definitely going to get worse before it gets better.
